Ok, so it seems a bit like The Exorcist starring Eddy from Iron Maiden, but I'll watch it!
My understanding is that this was pretty successful, only just stumbled upon it now, so can't tell you much, and as I'm in the middle of a couple other things, I'm being economical with my time.
This is the one that made me think of this today -
ADA: Zombilerin Düğünü from mfa on Vimeo.
Another [rec] influenced one, but looks like it could be interesting.
This is the trailer that got me interested in Turkish Horror originally, I saw it ages ago and totally forgot about it.
It's by the same guy who did Semum, and obviously the original D@bbe, it looks a bit like Ringu meets computer virus meets the infected from [rec]. Again, it may not take much, but I'm sold.
Part of what intrigues me about these is the religious element, I have always been a sucker for religious horror movies, Stigmata, The Exorcist, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby etc, seeing the inclusion of the Islamic faith excites me as it's a new take for me.
Also, they look as influenced by East Asian & European Cinema (which stands to reason) as they do from more standard American Cinema... Perhaps more so.
So yeah, I'm writing down a list and taking it with me next time I go for a meze around the corner.
Also, in mega super shit your pants kind of news, while Criterion have been dragging their heels and in possesion of the rights to this for a while and dropping tease after tease for years... The wonderful, lovely, better than the easter bunny and the tooth fairy combined people over at Masters of Cinema have just announced that they are releasing none other than the fantastic Hausu in the UK on 25th January, (my birthday is in Feb... just saying) with extras and a booklet, MoC have never released a bad DVD, quality products and packaging, worth every penny.
And check out this cover!
Want a trailer as well?
Why not!
Up till now, this has been available from rather dubious sources, so for it to get the long over due respect it deserves is very exciting!